Flexible pricing for your needs.

To get an idea of the total price of all hardware per door use our quick quote calculator.


5 Channels + 50 Active Users
£29 / month


25 Channels + 250 Active Users
£54 / month


50 Channels + 500 Active Users
£88 / month

Sports Club 1

2 Channels + 1000 Active Users
£35 / month

Enterprise 2

Unlimited Channels & Users
From £119 / month

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A channel is a typically a reader - or door control in one direction
1 Additional channels at £2.50/per mo, additional users at £2.50 per 500/per mo
2 Calculated in arrears on peak monthly usage

Included with all plans

Granular access controls
Personal reservations
Full change audit
Card printing
LDAP/Active Directory
Customisable notifications
Custom fields
Open API
Web hooks
Live activity chart and calendar
Customisable dashboard
Native mobile apps for accessing doors
Multi-site support
Custom user and admin permissions
Lockdown doors or door groups
Activity reports
Starter and leaver reports
Absence reports
Forced entry alerts
Door left open alerts